Search for Amelia Earhart: Elgen Long

Search for Amelia Earhart Media

Discover the hard evidence and the expertise behind the Elgen Long theory of Amelia Earhart's disappearance. Elgen explains all of the evidence that comes from the last leg of her flight, and plays back interviews from deceased witnesses who took part of her round-the-world trip. Elgen has spent over thirty-five years researching and calculating exactly where her plane could now be laying on the ocean floor. Already has the searching begun.

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Long Search for Amelia EarhartThe 'Long' Search for Earhart

Discover the hard evidence and the expertise behind the Elgen Long theory of Earhart's disappearance.

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The two-minute version of A Man, A Plane, And A Dream briefly describing Elgen's round-the-world accomplishments.

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A Man, A Plane, And A DreamA Man, A Plane, And A Dream

The full-length video of "Round-the-Poles" featuring a detailed account of Elgen's round-the-world flight.

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