The loss of Amelia Earhart has stirred-up controversy ever since her
mysterious disappearance while crossing the Pacific in 1937. When Elgen
Long made his record round-the-world flight in 1971, he duplicated Earhart's
approach to Howland Island. The result inspired him to investigate the
facts surrounding her last flight to discover the truth of what actually
The Elgen Long "Crash and Sink" theory is simple to understand.
Amelia Earhart ran out of fuel before she could find tiny Howland Island
and was forced to ditch her airplane in the ocean. Because her Lockheed
Electra was a land plane, it filled with water and sank to the ocean
bottom. It lies there in the deep abyss, undisturbed to this day.
Elgen had personal experience during World War II with the navigation
techniques that Amelia Earhart and Noonan used at the time. He was appointed
as an aircraft accident investigator by the Airline Pilots Association
and has received training at the University of Southern California and
Norton Air Force Base Crash Laboratory. The "Crash and Sink"
theory is the culmination of a life's work and has been reviewed and
confirmed by relevant experts in the fields of visual parameters, navigation,
communications, and aircraft performance.
Related media: Read
a reconstruction of Earhart's crash
More related media: Watch
the 'Long' Search for Amelia Earhart (6min)